For a class assignment, I was asked to write a brief essay describing my philosophy of education. This took me back a bit, because yes, while I am studying to be a teacher, I haven't really sat down and considered the opinions I have formed or the views and theories in which I believe. I sat down and thought really hard about the task at hand. Thank goodness my professor included some sample ideas to help get me started. I am also really glad that my mother has been a teacher for twenty eight years. Both of these ladies, really helped this assignment bloom. I made a perfect score on the assignment, however, it caused me to dive a little deeper in to the whole philosophical perspective of life. How would one lead and ideal life style. I've found the answer to be quite simple.
Respect should be the foundation to any environment, home, school or work related. When respected by adults and peers, I bet, everyone is more likely to complete tasks and cooperate with the people around them. Respect is not something that is simply handed out like candy. Respect must be earned. Through the compilation of respect, trust is born. Without trust, there is no base for any type of relationship.
Respect and Trust.
Look at those two words. Simple right? I bet you can even define them if I asked you to. These two words and their corresponding actions and the emotions they evoke are taken for granted too often in this day and age. Everyone should stop and really think about the people they respect and trust, and likewise, the people that respect and trust them. You can clearly evaluate for yourself, how low humanity's standards of a decent person has fallen. Just because someone respects and trusts you doesn't not mean you are allowed to treat them poorly, either to their face or not. If you do take advantage of those of us that do have it figured out, then expect to be treated the exact same way. Respect and trust should be taken very seriously.
Basically, it boils down to the infamous golden rule, "Treat others the way you would like to be treated."
Given all that little rant, I must mourn the loss of my General Manager at my current job. He has taken a position at another business and will be leaving very soon. I'm devastated. By a show of hands, who remembers when I left this job the first time? Okay, I'll tell you. My anxiety got way out of control. I didn't feel comfortable or appreciated and it caused serious issues. Out of the kindness of his heart J allowed me the chance to come back and work for him again. Here's why I went back: J respects me for who I am and what I do. Because of that respect I perform my job a better. In the history of my having a job, J is the only manager I've ever had to appreciate my work verbally and frequently. I trust his judgement and decisions. I can honestly tell you, he is the best person to work for. He is the reason I came crawling back. I missed be treated like a person. I'm heartbroken. However, I respect his decision. It really isn't any of my business, but I trust that he's making the right choice for himself.
Respect and trust has gotten me where I am today. Respect for myself, my peers, my mentors has taught me so much about myself. I hope that in the future, I am able to radiate that respect and trust that so many have shown to me. So there ya go, my philosophy on life.
...Well, kind of.
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